InsuranceBusiness: Allstate reveals plans to raise auto insurance rates
Insurance Business America reports on Allstate's plans to raise rates for customers: "To address mounting loss costs driven by inflation,...

NYT: Where State Farm Sees ‘a Lot of Fraud,’ Black Customers See Discrimination
The New York Times reports: "The giant insurer is facing lawsuits from customers, agents and former employees accusing it of racial...

Repairer Driven News: Two consumer groups call for DOI action
Repairer Driven News reports: "The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) are urging...

WCCB Charlotte: Survey: 85% Of People Think Their Driving Is “Very Good” Or “Excellent”
Morgan Fogarty reports for WCCB Charlotte on a recent survey of drivers. "85 percent of people surveyed rated their driving as excellent...