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Why do family members sue each other?

Occasionally the news media picks up a story about a person suing a member of their family. There was the example of the aunt suing her eight year old nephew for an overly enthusiastic hug in 2015 and now a case out of Canada where a teenager is suing his parents for injuries he suffered in a mountain biking incident.

These are both examples of injured people, facing huge medical debt and future care, trying to seek relief from their bills through their relatives' insurance policies.

Despite how the news media portrays these types of cases, they are usually undertaken with the full knowledge and cooperation of the family member being sued because they want the injured person to get their bills paid.

Eric Turkowitz of the New York Personal Injury Law Blog provides an excellent explanation of the nephew hug case.

Charley Gee is a Portland personal injury lawyer. He exclusively represents injured people against insurance companies and corporations.

Portland personal injury lawyer Charley Gee
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